When Jesus Came 


When Jesus Came 

When Jesus came He made such an impact that all history is judged by its rela-tion to Him. Celebrities have marched across the stage of history and made little difference, but by Jesus Christ all men are judged and their destiny determined. A man may make other poor decisions and be temporarily worse, but if he de-cides wrongly about Jesus Christ he is eternally worse. 

One day a wicked woman started to a well in sin and shame. Then Jesus came and proved that He had the answer to her depravity. He turns the sordid to the sacred and bums into believers. 

Another poor woman, dying of an incurable disease, health and money gone, awoke to what looked like a hopeless day. When Jesus came this poor soul touched Him while others only thronged Him and met the answer to despair. 

A Gadarene demoniac, a wild man that chains couldn’t bind and men couldn’t tame met Jesus and found the answer to demonism. 

Lazarus died but came to life when Jesus conquered death. 

The risen Christ walked through a door without opening it to meet his sad disci-ples, and He lifted their discouragement. 

Simon Peter denied his Lord but met Him at a fire on the beach and was deliv-ered from defeat. 

When Jesus comes our lives are changed. One day He will come again and clear up the dilemma of history. 

“When Jesus comes the tempters power is broken, 

When Jesus comes the tears are wiped away. 

He takes the gloom and fills the life with glory, 

For all is changed when Jesus comes to stay.” 

“Even so, come, Lord Jesus!