Inspired By God…

Inspired By God… Very seldom is a person referred to as a wise young woman or a wise young man. Though some persons seem to be wiser than their years, it’s most often the wise old woman or the wise old man whom we go to when we are looking for answers. It seems that age brings wisdom. 

Elihu was yet another would-be counselor to Job. He waited out of respect until his elders took their shots and then he took his turn. He was frustrated because Job remained unshakable in his faith and because the older men had not been able to convince Job otherwise. Before Elihu shared his opin-ion, he pointed out that wisdom doesn’t come because one is old. Wisdom is given by God. 

Advance years may bring many good things, but wisdom is not always one of them. Some may spend their entire lives in foolish pursuits. Others, at a young age, may very well possess wisdom that blossoms early. Wisdom isn’t based solely on time and experience. Wisdom is God-breathed by the Al-mighty. Our heavenly Father is gracious to his children and gives us His Spirit so we can know Him and his ways. 

Father, give me understanding through Your Spirit who lives in me. Let me rely on the wisdom that You supply through Your Spirit and not on my own understanding. — an Open Windows devotion