Dispelling Disappointments

Dispelling Disappointments… Can you imagine the disappointment of the disciples between Jesus’ death and resurrection? They had put all their hopes on Him. They had mistakenly believed that Jesus was going to over-throw the Roman government and restore Israel to its rightful theocracy. So when Jesus died, so did their hopes for revolution. But disappointment always comes when we fail to walk by the truth. Jesus, now resurrected, joined two disciples walking the seven-mile journey from Jerusalem to Em-maus. They were distraught and depressed. Jesus invigorated and encour-aged these early followers by opening and explaining the Scriptures to them. They confessed that their hearts burned within them. 

The Word of God is the salve to our disappointments due to misplaced hopes. God’s Word brings our thoughts about God and the world back into submission to what is right and true. Let us go to God’s Word as our source of encouragement and motivation to live out our lives according to His purpose. — an Open Windows devotion