All-around Trust

All-around Trust… A pitfall to trusting God, which we are prone to fall into, is to turn to God in trust in the greater [crises] of life while seeking to work through the minor difficulties ourselves. A disposition to trust in ourselves is part of our sinful nature. It sometimes takes a major crisis, or … [Read more…]

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast — It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, July 21st @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer. Thank you. 

Nation Under God

Nation Under God… In the English language, the order of words in a sentence makes a difference. So it matters that in our pledge of allegiance, the phrase is “one nation under God.” It is not “one God, under our nation.” And in Psalm 33:12, a nation is blessed when they worship God. God isn’t … [Read more…]

 Our Church Annual Meeting

 Our Church Annual Meeting will be held today, following the morning worship service for election of church officers, standing committees, special committees and any other offices. Reports will be given from all ministries and committees of the church.  Proposed change to Church By-Laws:  Article IX. Officers and Staff, Section 1. B — Call and Election  … [Read more…]

Reminder…Our Church Annual Meeting

  Reminder…Our Church Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th after the morning worship for election of church officers, standing commit-tees, special committees and any other offices. Reports should be given from all ministries and committees of the church.  Proposed change to Church By-Laws:  Article IX. Officers and Staff, Section 1. B — … [Read more…]

Use of Fellowship Hall

  *Use of Fellowship Hall — Effective immediately: please contact Cyndi Comito , Fellowship Committee Chair, for any use of the fel-lowship hall. All events must go through her. Thank you. 

Breakfast for our men & boys

Breakfast for our men & boys… Invite a friend & sign up for our next breakfast on Sunday, May 19th @ 8:00 a.m. It’s a great time of learning with great food, in the fellowship hall.