Be Yourself for God 

Be Yourself for God  Rabbi Joseph Liebermann de-scribes a dream where he dies and goes to stand before God’s judgment seat. As he waits, the Rabbi fears that the Lord will ask him, “Why weren’t you a Moses … or a David … or a Solomon?” Instead, God surprises him by simply asking, “Why weren’t … [Read more…]

 North Carolina Missions Offering 

 North Carolina Missions Offering  Our church goal: $1,500.00  This is a special offering given in Sept. that supports the ministry of Baptists on Mission, Church Planting, mission camps, associational projects and the mobilization ministry projects. NCMO is your opportunity to be on mission together as God accomplishes many things through various ministries. Please give as … [Read more…]

Grandparents Day — Sept. 8th

 Day — Sept. 8th  “The history of our grandparents is remembered not with rose petals, but in the laughter and tears of their children and their children’s children.  It is into us that lives  of grandparents have gone. It is in us that their history becomes the future.” — Charles & Ann Morse 

HOMECOMING SUNDAY — September 29th

Come gather all, from great to least,  Come celebrate this special feast.  This is the day, by God’s own choice,  Our church was born. Let us rejoice!  May God be praised! May God be blest!  May He find here His place of rest.  We honor those who built with care,  His throne on earth, this … [Read more…]

Men’s Breakfast

Our next Men’s Breakfast will be on Sunday, Sept. 15th @ 8:00 a.m. We encourage all men to invite a friend and join us in the fellowship hall for a time of food, faith & fellowship! Please sign up in the church foyer so we’ll know how many to plan for. Thank you! 

Welcome to all! 

  Jesus, you ask, “Who do you say I am?” (Matt.16:15). We answer, “Savior, Lord, Christ, Son of God.” Yes. But may we be open to learning still more about who you are for us and the world. Amen.  “One generation shall praise Your works to an-other” (Psalm 145:4, NKJV). We come together — young, … [Read more…]

Operation Christmas Child ‘donations for August….School Supplies:

  Operation Christmas Child ‘donations for August….School Supplies: pens, pencils, markers, notebook paper, index cards, erasers, glue sticks, etc. See Christine or Martha with any questions.  *Also, pick up a list of items ‘in need of’, for our 4 Teachers.  Reminder, to bring your old, (but clean) colored T-shirts for our jump-rope project. Thank you … [Read more…]