Be Yourself for God
Rabbi Joseph Liebermann de-scribes a dream where he dies and goes to stand before God’s judgment seat. As he waits, the Rabbi fears that the Lord will ask him, “Why weren’t you a Moses … or a David … or a Solomon?” Instead, God surprises him by simply asking, “Why weren’t you Rabbi Liebermann?”
When our lives are over. God won’t ask us why we weren’t a Mother Teresa or another saintly soul. He simply wants us to be who he created us to be.
“We are his workmanship,” St. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:10. In Greek, work-manship means “a piece of art.”
You are God’s masterpiece. Life isn’t a game of comparison. It’s a journey of discovery of how God has uniquely created you to per-form specific tasks in this life.
Your life is God’s canvas. Don’t hinder the painting process!
— Mike Paulison