The Source of Wisdom

The Source of Wisdom… In today’s world, knowledge can be accessed at the click of a button. We can learn about anything and everything with little searching. We have become anything and everything with little searching. We have become instant experts about any subject we will research and learn. I think we can all agree that we are abounding with knowledge; how-ever, we are sorely lacking in wisdom. 

Wisdom is the ability to employ knowledge in ways that are godly and effec-tive. In a day of fact-checkers, alternate facts, and hidden facts, knowing truth is difficult at best. We run headlong into political, societal, and godless spiritual rhetoric at every turn. What to believe and how to determine God’s path for us is becoming more difficult with each day that passes. It seems we are looking on as the world we’ve known becomes an alien landscape with ever-changing focus. Deciphering popular narrative requires more than knowledge of fact; it requires wisdom. God himself is the only true source of true wisdom. Only He can enable us to divide truth from error and applied truth from expedient narrative. God’s truth is the one we hold to as His peo-ple. The wisdom He provides enables us to apply His truth to all situations of life. “For the Lord gives wisdom: from his mouth come knowledge and un-derstanding.” — Proverbs 2:6, NIV (An Open Windows devotion)