Get in the Ring…

Get in the Ring…

Paul wrote to Timothy toward the end of his life. Timothy

was like a son to Paul. He loved him very much. Their relationship was one that many older men try to model with the younger men in their lives. As Paul neared his death, he felt it necessary to speak comforting words to his young son in the faith.

Paul used athletic imagery here and said that he had fought the good fight. What is the good fight that he fought? The good fight is a life lived in obedi- ence to God. Paul spent his life, from conversion on, walking according to God’s ways and being obedient to the call of God on his life.

Sadly, many people today don’t even get in the ring when it comes to the good fight. They seem entirely unaware of what fight God is calling them to. Others get in the ring but they don’t want to fight. They want the easy route of comfort and security.

How blessed it would be to look back on our lives on earth and proclaim that we’ve “fought the good fight,” “finished the race,” and “kept the faith” (CSB). Step into the ring, and God will meet you there. In fact, He’s waiting for you.