The Tree Who Stood Alone

The Tree Who Stood Alone… Not long ago, just down from our church build-ing, a property was cleared of nearly every tree. There was one tree left. Standing at over 60 feet tall, this tree would stand tall and proud in this re-cent development against the backdrop of a new house. Then it happened. A storm came. The rain fell. The wind blew. The now single tree, standing proud by itself in the cleared field, fell down. As trees grow, the storms that come make them stronger as the tree bends in the wind and then hardens under the stress a storm brings about. Life is much like a storm to a tree. A tree can stand alone, and many do. But the tree is most likely to grow healthy and not fall over when with other trees. The God Who created the trees is the same God who created humankind. He designed us to need spiritual, social, and physical interaction. We find the community we need in the Church. Christians need to be with their church to grow, develop in healthy ways, and to help when storms come. Christian, we need each other. The storms of life may be increasing, but God is greater! He has given us a healthy network of friends, fellow Christians with which to worship God, serve Him, and encourage others. Your church needs you. Someone at church needs your friendship. More people will succeed if you are there to encourage them in the first place. Others will get back up after falling when they receive your help. Don’t stand alone. Stand with other Christians. Storms will come. Others need you. You need them. Go to church and par-ticipate. Avoid falling. If you fall, get back up. If you see someone fall, help them back up. Don’t be a singular tree in a field. Stand tall with your church. A Call to Glory devotion by Pastor, Dr. Steve Harness