Marked By God

Marked By God 

A pastor who traveled to Russia observed a curious sight on the roads. In their back windows, certain cars displayed a large card bearing only an excla-mation point. After inquiring, he discovered that new drivers in that country are required to keep those signs up for seven years. 

What an incentive to stay on the “straight and narrow” as one undertakes the responsibility of driving! 

The exclamation points made the pastor wonder: How are we “marked” when we enter into a relationship with Jesus? As we travel through life, what evidence indicates that we’re faithfully following him? How are we exclaim-ing our joy at being forgiven and redeemed? 

Try this: Write some exclamation points on sticky notes, and put them where you’ll see them often. No matter what detours or roadblocks you encounter, remember that you’re a beloved child of God — marked by him, through faith, for eternal life!