From Guilt to Grace

From Guilt to Grace 

For Jerry Schemmel, a 1989 plane crash that killed more than 100 people ended up shaping his life and faith. The sports broadcaster walked away from the tragedy with minimal physical injuries but was haunted by survivor’s guilt and PTSD. “The big turning point for me came when I became a Christian,” he says. “Things got much easier to deal with after that, I believe, because I had the best ally fighting the fight with me, Jesus Christ.” 

Schemmel, author of Chosen to Live, says he’d love to be able to “go back and rewrite the script” and change what happened that July day in Sioux City, Iowa. “But since I can’t, I just have to keep on trusting God, trusting that he put me through this experience to serve him, to be the man he wants me to be and ulti-mately give him glory.”