Senior Adults

Senior Adults… Sign up now and go with us on Tuesday, Aug. 27th. We’ll leave the church at 11:00 a.m. to have lunch at Olive Garden and then go see the new Kendrick Brothers’ movie “The Forge.”  — Seniors, you can also sign up now to go with us on Friday, Sept. 13th, as we … [Read more…]

Welcome to all! 

  Jesus, you ask, “Who do you say I am?” (Matt.16:15). We answer, “Savior, Lord, Christ, Son of God.” Yes. But may we be open to learning still more about who you are for us and the world. Amen.  “One generation shall praise Your works to an-other” (Psalm 145:4, NKJV). We come together — young, … [Read more…]

Operation Christmas Child ‘donations for August….School Supplies:

  Operation Christmas Child ‘donations for August….School Supplies: pens, pencils, markers, notebook paper, index cards, erasers, glue sticks, etc. See Christine or Martha with any questions.  *Also, pick up a list of items ‘in need of’, for our 4 Teachers.  Reminder, to bring your old, (but clean) colored T-shirts for our jump-rope project. Thank you … [Read more…]

Grooving for God

  Grooving for God…Fifty-five years this summer, as the Woodstock Festival in upstate New York became a symbol of the counterculture movement, another groundswell was occurring: the Jesus Movement. In 1970, teenager Greg Laurie was baptized after a bunch of “Jesus freaks” introduced him to the Savior. The lost kid whose mom had been divorced … [Read more…]

Senior Adults

  Senior Adults… Sign up now and go with us on our next outing on Tuesday, Aug. 27th. We’ll leave the church at 11:00 a.m. to have lunch at Olive Garden and then go see the new Kendrick Brothers’ movie “The Forge.” This is a spin-off and sequel to War Room and is their ninth … [Read more…]

Men’s Breakfast

  Men’s Breakfast — It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, Aug. 18th @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer. 

Back-to-School Lunch

  On Sunday, August 11th following worship, please plan now to stay for our ‘covered dish’ Back-to-School Lunch, in the fellowship hall. Remember to keep our teachers, students and their families in prayer for this coming year. Please see Cyndi Comito or Bonnie Reynolds if you have any questions. Thank you. 

Deacon Election

  Deacon Election will be held on Sunday, August 11th, during the morning worship service. We encourage our church members to come & vote.