Senior Adults…

Senior Adults…sign up now and go with us on our next outing on Tuesday, August 27th.  We’ll leave the church at 11:00 a.m., for lunch at Olive Garden and then we’ll go to see the new Kendrick Broth-ers’ movie, The Forge. In the movie we meet a mom trying to call out the man in … [Read more…]

True Sacrifice

  True Sacrifice…In 1 Chronicles 21, King David prepares to offer God a sacri-fice of repentance. The man from whom David must purchase supplies is so eager to help that he offers everything for free. David replies, “No. I’m buying it from you, and at the full market price. I’m not going to offer God … [Read more…]

Senior Adults

Senior Adults… Sign up now and go with us on our next outing on Tuesday, Aug. 27th. We’ll leave the church at 11:00 a.m. to have lunch at Olive Garden and then go see the new Kendrick Brothers’ movie “The Forge.” This is a spin-off and sequel to War Room and is their ninth film. … [Read more…]

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast — It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, Aug. 18th @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer. 

Retreat at Fort Caswell

Please be in prayer this week for our Youth, Joey & the Chaperones as they go on their Retreat at Fort Caswell, with many other youth. May God work in their lives, as they learn more about Him and share His love with others! 

The Source of Wisdom

The Source of Wisdom… In today’s world, knowledge can be accessed at the click of a button. We can learn about anything and everything with little searching. We have become anything and everything with little searching. We have become instant experts about any subject we will research and learn. I think we can all agree … [Read more…]