What Makes a Dad 

What Makes a Dad  God took the strength of a mountain,  The majesty of a tree,  The warmth of a summer sun,  The calm of a quiet sea,  The generous soul of nature,  The comforting arm of night,  The wisdom of the ages,  The power of the eagle’s flight,  The joy of a morning in … [Read more…]

Use of Fellowship Hall

Use of Fellowship Hall — Please contact Cyndi Comito (336-215-7635), our Fellowship Committee Chair, for any use of the fellowship hall. All events must go through her. Thank you. 

Men’s Breakfast

Men’s Breakfast — It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, July 21st @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer.  

Senior Adults.

  Senior Adults… Sign up now and go with us on Tuesday, June 18th @ 10:00 a.m. for lunch at Spring Valley and then to the Greensboro Historic Museum. 

Men’s Breakfast

  Men’s Breakfast — It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, June 16th @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer. 

My Best Friend.

My Best Friend…Sitting in my rocking chair (my prayer closet), I closed my quiet time by singing the song, “As the Deer.” A nagging doubt punctuated the end of my song. I’d been feeling lonely that night in a new state, new town, new job, and new church. I need friends, Lord, I pleaded. Then, … [Read more…]

 Our Church Annual Meeting

 Our Church Annual Meeting will be held today, following the morning worship service for election of church officers, standing committees, special committees and any other offices. Reports will be given from all ministries and committees of the church.  Proposed change to Church By-Laws:  Article IX. Officers and Staff, Section 1. B — Call and Election  … [Read more…]