Our Church Annual Meeting

  Our Church Annual Meeting will be held on  Sunday, June 9th after the morning worship for election of church officers, standing committees, special committees and any other offices.  Reports should be given from all ministries and committees of the church.  Proposed change to Church By-Laws:  Article IX. Officers and Staff  Section 1. B — … [Read more…]

It’s our monthly Men’s Breakfast

  It’s our monthly Men’s Breakfast … It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, May 19th @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer. Thank … [Read more…]

Senior Adults

  Senior Adults, sign up now in the church foyer to go with us on Thursday, May 16th at 10:00 a.m. We’re going to the Lazy 5 Ranch, and have lunch at the Box-car Grille. Pick up a schedule for our Senior Adult Outings in the church foyer. 

I Said a Mother’s Day Prayer for You 

  I Said a Mother’s Day Prayer for You  I said a Mother’s Day prayer for you, to thank the Lord above  For blessing me with a lifetime, of your tenderhearted love.  I thank God for the caring, you’ve shown me through the years,  For the closeness we’ve enjoyed, in time of laughter and of … [Read more…]

Sunday, May 5th is Senior Adult Day…

  Sunday, May 5th is Senior Adult Day… Following the morning service, we’ll have lunch in the fellowship hall. We invite everyone to bring a vegetable or des-sert and join us as we celebrate our Seniors together! 

Prayer for our Nation in Crisis… The Bible teaches that God blesses those na-tions that keep His standards of justice and righteousness; “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.”

  Prayer for our Nation in Crisis… The Bible teaches that God blesses those na-tions that keep His standards of justice and righteousness; “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” (Proverbs 15:34, NIV)  It also teaches that God will discipline nations that defy His standards. “For the nation or kingdom … [Read more…]

Rapture Ready? 

  Rapture Ready?  Several days before I am due to go on a trip, I begin to plan and prepare for it. My executive assistant briefs me on what my responsibilities will be. My travel assistant goes over flight and hotel arrangements, as well as alerting me to de-parture and arrival times. I decide the … [Read more…]