Are We There Yet? 

Are We There Yet?  This age-old refrain of young trav-elers is followed by a second question: “How much longer?” How similar those queries are to the psalmist’s oft-repeated cry, “How long, O Lord, how long?” (Psalm 6:3b, NIV).  Patience is an  uncommon virtue these days. We’re anxious to get where we’re going or to get … [Read more…]

Our monthly Men’s 

Our monthly Men’s  Breakfast … It’s great food and a time for all men & boys to learn more and grow in Christ! Invite some friends and join us on Sunday, June 16th @ 8:00 a.m., in the fellowship hall. If you plan to attend, please sign up in the church foyer. Thank you. 

Our Church Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 9th

Our Church Annual Meeting will be held on  Sunday, June 9th after the morning worship for election of church officers, standing committees, special committees and any other offices.  Reports should be given from all ministries and committees of the church.  Proposed change to Church By-Laws:  Article IX. Officers and Staff  Section 1. B — Call … [Read more…]

Helping the World See Jesus

Helping the World See Jesus  The church’s role isn’t to “take Christ to the world,” thus fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commission in Matthew 29:19-20, but to recognize Christ already at work in the world and help others see him, too. God is visible through his handiwork, but easily seen? Not always. So the church is called … [Read more…]

From Guilt to Grace

From Guilt to Grace  For Jerry Schemmel, a 1989 plane crash that killed more than 100 people ended up shaping his life and faith. The sports broadcaster walked away from the tragedy with minimal physical injuries but was haunted by survivor’s guilt and PTSD. “The big turning point for me came when I became a … [Read more…]

The Origin of Father’s Day.

The Origin of Father’s Day  One Sunday in 1909, Sonora Smart Dodd listened to a sermon honoring moth-ers. Her mother had died some years before, so her father had raised her by himself. Dodd wondered why there wasn’t a day to honor fathers, so she arranged a tribute to her father at a church in … [Read more…]